Advising at the Innovate Carolina Junction ( NC Biotechnology Center )
In partnership with Innovate Carolina, RTI Innovation Advisors (IA) will cover pro bono advising at the Innovate Carolina Junction. RTI IA is an innovation consultancy of RTI International, a non-profit, mission-driven, independent research and technical services institute headquartered in RTP. IA staff advise a wide range of industry, government, and non-profit clients.
IA helps clients innovate by building capacity, providing insight, and accelerating technology from lab to market. RTI IA believes in the power of teams, and its approach to learning streamlines the path to market for technologies and delivers better products with the potential for positive business and human impact.
Register today and stop by any time during this event to get feedback on your idea or business, regardless of your stage. IA will provide approximately 40 staff, organized to offer guidance and coaching on technical and process-related innovation strategy in the areas of:
- MedTech
- Public Health
- Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition
- Energy and Water
- Automation and Digital Technology
- Sustainable Chemistry and Materials
- Circular Economy
- Early-stage Ideas