Deeep Dive with Scott Moody (NEW ILM)
Again , I am sorry for the change but the partner organization cancelled and like a good entrepreneur, I pivoted to create a new solution.
Even before the VIP Mixer and Focus Groups last month, I had an idea for a new series of events that I am calling DEEEEEP Dive.
We will host a Riverside Chat with Scott Moody and moderator Rob Cooley.
Scott Moody –
Founder and CEO of Authentec – Their product was the thumbprint security on your iPhone
Authentec had an IPO on Nasdaq on Wall Street.
Authentec was then acquired by APPLE.
Scott was also
Founder of K4 Connect
K4 Connect put IOT connected devices to improve the quality of life of people in Nursing homes.
K4 Connect received investment from some of the highest profile VC funds in the world including Revolution Capital.
Please join us for this event for valuable insights for entrepreneurs hoping to scale their companies with success.
- Jul 24 2024
- Expired!
- 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Local Time
- Timezone: America/Phoenix
- Date: Jul 24 2024
- Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Estado Zulia, Cabimas, Conjunto residencial las 40, codigo postal 4013

NEW (Network for Enterpreneurs in Wilmington)
(919) 428-4957 -
Email -