Small Business SEO: Using Search Engine Optimization As A Marketing Tool (The Hurt Hub@Davidson)
Join the Hurt Hub and Amplify Davidson to learn about the power of SEO for your small business! We are delighted to welcome Jason Shaffer, owner of Red Queen SEO, to lead us in a workshop where we’ll learn the ins and outs of Search Engine Optimization and how it can transform your online presence. Discover practical strategies to boost your website’s visibility, attract more customers, and take your small business to the next level.
Wednesday November 29 12pm-1pm
Hurt Hub 210 Delburg Street Davidson, NC 28036
Lunch is provided
About Amplify Davidson: Amplify Davidson is a collaborative community initiative, formed through a partnership between the Town of Davidson and the Jay Hurt Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship which seeks to support the growth of Davidson small businesses and equip residents to thrive as entrepreneurs.