Understanding Mobile Robots (Virtual) (NC State Industry Expansion Solutions)
More than 30,000 accidents involving forklifts and other manned material movers were reported in FY’22. Not only has the risk of injury increased in recent years but uncertainties in staffing, training investments and sheer volumes of skus moved have positioned autonomous material handling as the equalizer in cost, efficiency and safety.
The “Understanding Mobile Robots…Are They a Good Fit For Your Plant Floor?” The webinar will allow us to break down the aggregate topic of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for all to understand. We will discuss AMR types, use cases, ease of use, programming and cost.
If you are new to the technology, have heard about how AMRs can boost operations but are unsure where to start, or would just like a touchstone to gauge where your operational maturity may be, join our resident automation expert for this introduction to the latest mobile robot technologies.
Key Takeaways:
- Understand the characteristics and different types of AMRs
- Learn the key elements of the safety of these systems
- Identify the production metrics that should be scrutinized when considering adoption