One Week of Coworking for $5 (Raleigh Founded)
Join us for a week of coworking Monday, April 22nd through April 26th!
Drop by anytime/ any day that week between 9am and 5pm.
Special Programming:
- Monday: Spring Garden planting for Earth Day 2-3pm
- Tuesday: Barista Hour 9-11am
- Wednesday: Pitch Night 6-8pm
- Thursday: Sustainability Happy Hour 4-6pm
- Friday: Potluck 12-1pm
Parking: We have 2-hour validated parking in the front lot of our building. There is also free parking a few blocks away on Boylan St and many affordable decks around.
What to bring: A laptop, books, or anything else that you need to work for the day!
Can’t wait to see you there!