RTP180: NC Community (Frontier RTP)

RTP180: NC Community (Frontier RTP)

Innovation. Education. Industry. These are powerful angles—and what Research Triangle Park is known for. At RTP180, speakers from our founding Universities, Park companies and the North Carolina community at-large, are called upon to speak passionately and authentically about what matters to them. The twist? They must do it in 5 minutes or less!

We ask our speakers to be intentional with their 300 seconds on stage. What perspective of their industry are they able to share? What are their passions? What would our community be surprised to learn? What case studies in North Carolina are cutting edge?


Nov 16 2023


5:00 pm - 7:15 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Phoenix
  • Date: Nov 16 2023
  • Time: 3:00 pm - 5:15 pm


The Frontier (Building 800)
The Frontier (Building 800)
800 Park Offices Drive RTP, NC 27709
QR Code