Business of Women (Cary Chamber of Commerce)

Business of Women (Cary Chamber of Commerce)

By 2030, our state will need two million North Carolinians to have a high-quality credential or a postsecondary degree. Today we have about 1.6 million. The need for these credentials and degrees will continue as our economy grows. The vast majority of new jobs require more than a high school diploma—something that less than half of North Carolinians ages 25-44, and even fewer from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, currently have.


The North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation will discuss its role in creating a future-ready workforce through state-level work to ensure children have a strong foundation for life-long health, education, and well-being.


Learn about the role you can play as an individual and the role employers can play by supporting parents and caregivers meet their job and family responsibilities. No matter how family is defined, individuals and employers can help build strong and resilient businesses, families, and communities.


About Lisa: In her role as Community Engagement Leader, Lisa supports community collaboration and business leaders to build a strong foundation for lifelong success for North Carolina’s children. Her focus is the Family Forward NC and NC Campaign for Grade-Level Reading initiatives. The NC Campaign for Grade-Level Reading is a project to ensure more children from low-income families succeed in school and are ready for college, careers, and active citizenship. Family Forward NC is an innovative initiative to improve children’s health and well-being and keep North Carolina’s businesses competitive through family-friendly workplaces that improve productivity, recruitment and retention and grow a strong economy.


Nov 21 2024


1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Nov 21 2024
  • Time: 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm


Prestonwood Country Club 300 Prestonwood Parkway Cary


Research Triangle Park Foundation
Research Triangle Park Foundation
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