How to Find Product Market Fit Quickly (Virtual) (North Carolina Startup: Idea to IPO)
Join us for a FREE online masterclass, where Nelly Yusupova, CTO with 18 years experience, Startup Tech Advisor, and creator of TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs, will share what is product market fit and the importance of reaching product market fit quickly.
You will learn:
- What is Product Market Fit (PMF)
- Product Market Fit metrics
- A method of reaching PMF quickly
- How to define your MVP properly to reduce the cost and time of development
- A framework for releasing code more often so you can learn faster
- A tactic you can use to improve your product
And more!
About the Speaker
Nelly Yusupova is a CTO, with over 18 years experience, leading companies to technical excellence. She is a start-up tech advisor, outsourced CTO, and the creator of TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs.
Nelly is on a mission to help entrepreneurs minimize technology mistakes and through her online masterclass TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs, she provides the roadmap to successfully manage technology teams and projects.
Just recently included in Fast Company’s, “League of Extraordinary Women”, Nelly has been at the forefront of the women’ s movement online since 1999 and is a Wall Street Journal’s “Woman on the IT Fast Track”.
Nelly is a speaker and presenter for many organizations and major industries events including: Women’s Enterprise Center, NY Entrepreneurs Business Network, Small Business Summit, BlogHer, Social Media Jungle, Mom 2.0, BlogWorld, and has been featured in INC Magazine, NBC Today Show, Fast Company Magazine,, O’Reilly, SmartMoney, SmallBiz, TechRepublic, Women’s Radio.