PayCLT: Matt Miller, EWS VP of Paze – How will bank digital wallets win? (Virtual) (PayCLT)

PayCLT: Matt Miller, EWS VP of Paze – How will bank digital wallets win? (Virtual) (PayCLT)

Matt Miller, VP of EWS’s Paze product, comes to PayCLT to discuss the vision and path forward for bank’s digital wallets

PayCLT is excited to welcome Matt Miller, EWS’s VP of the Paze digital wallet product, to discuss the way forward for financial institutions to provide meaningful digital wallet customer experiences.

Online checkout has been a sticking point in the ecommerce engine for years, and while merchant accounts with cards on file are a good alternate to keying in card details, customers generally aren’t willing to create accounts at every merchant they use. Various non-FI digital wallet solutions have been created to ease the this customer pain point, but according to a 2022 study by Capterra, 43% of customers still prefer to use guest checkout. Surveys also continue to show customers trust their financial institution, so leveraging a financial instution-sponsored digital wallet tool could likely provide a useful marketplace tool to cautious consumers.

Matt Miller is a seasoned innovator and accomplished leader in payments product management, currently holding the position of Vice President of Product for PazeSM. In this role, he oversees the strategic trajectory, development, and growth of PazeSM, a new digital payment method offered by banks and credit unions.


Nov 16 2023


5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Nov 16 2023
  • Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm




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