9th Annual IdeaFest Business Pitch Competition (The Launch Place)
The 9th IdeaFest Business Pitch Competition will take place on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 starting at 1:00pm. IdeaFest is a pitch competition where 20 finalists pitch their startup business idea to a panel of judges and a live audience. IdeaFest is a Business Pitch Competition where 20 finalists present their startup idea to a panel of judges and a live audience. The top three competitors will be awarded $5,000 for first place, $3,000 for second place and $2,000 for third place. The Launch Place is also pleased to announce that we are partnering with Dominion Energy Innovation Center (DEIC) for an additional $5,000 Clean Energy Bonus Prize. There’s never been a better time to pitch your winning idea! Learn more at https://www.thelaunchplace.org/ideafest
Winners of the competition will also be eligible to receive twenty-five hours of free business consulting from The Launch Place.