Launch Your Business With Customer Focused Marketing (Virtual) (The Hurt Hub@Davidson)
As a new entrepreneur, you’ll need more than good products or services to grow your business. It’s also important to have strong customer-focused marketing strategies to reach your audience and turn them into loyal customers. Join the Hurt Hub on December 12th to learn from Google Digital Coach, Enovia Bedford for a zoom workshop where you will learn about how to:
- Create a compelling brand
- Define your audience
- Convert customers
- Build loyalty and advocacy
This event is powered by Amplify Davidson and Grow with Google.
About Grow with Google: Grow with Google helps ensure that the opportunities created by technology are available to everyone. Since launching in 2017, Grow with Google has trained more than eight million Americans on digital skills. And through a network of more than 9,000 partner organizations–including local libraries, schools, and nonprofits–more people across the country can reach their full potential.
About Amplify Davidson: Amplify Davidson is a collaborative community initiative, formed through a partnership between the Town of Davidson and the Jay Hurt Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship which seeks to support the growth of Davidson small businesses and equip residents to thrive as entrepreneurs.